Step-by-Step: How to Fill Out a Rental Application in Missoula

When you’re ready to secure a rental property in Missoula, the first crucial step is filling out a rental application. This process can feel a bit daunting, especially if you’re unfamiliar with what landlords and property management companies are looking for. At Missoula Property Management, we want to make the application process as smooth and stress-free as possible. In this blog, we’ll walk you through each step of filling out a rental application, ensuring you present yourself as a strong candidate for your desired rental home.

Step 1: Gather Your Documentation

Before you begin filling out your rental application, it’s essential to gather all the necessary documents. Having these on hand will streamline the process and ensure you can complete your application without delays.

Common Documents You’ll Need:

  1. Identification: A government-issued photo ID (such as a driver’s license or passport) is typically required to verify your identity.
  2. Proof of Income: Landlords want to ensure you can afford the rent, so you’ll need to provide proof of income. This can include recent pay stubs, bank statements, tax returns, or an offer letter if you’re starting a new job.
  3. Employment Information: Be ready to provide your employer’s contact information, job title, and length of employment. If you’re self-employed, you may need to provide additional documentation, such as a 1099 form or business license.
  4. Rental History: You’ll need information about your previous rentals, including addresses, landlord contact details, and dates of tenancy. If you’re a first-time renter, you may need to provide additional references.
  5. Credit Information: Some applications require a credit check. Make sure you know your credit score and have any relevant financial documentation ready.
  6. References: Personal or professional references who can vouch for your reliability and character may be requested.

Step 2: Review the Application Form

Once you’ve gathered your documents, carefully review the rental application form. Most rental applications will ask for similar information, but some may have specific requirements based on the landlord or property management company.

Key Sections to Expect:

  1. Personal Information: This section will ask for your full name, date of birth, contact information, and social security number.
  2. Employment and Income: You’ll be asked to provide details about your current and previous employment, as well as your monthly income.
  3. Rental History: Here, you’ll list your previous addresses and landlords, along with reasons for leaving each property.
  4. References: You may be asked to provide contact details for personal or professional references.
  5. Authorization for Credit and Background Checks: Many applications include a section where you must authorize the landlord to conduct a credit check and a background check. Read this section carefully before signing.

Step 3: Fill Out the Application

Now that you’re familiar with the application form, it’s time to fill it out. Accuracy is key—any mistakes or missing information could delay the processing of your application.

Tips for Each Section:

  1. Personal Information: Ensure all details are accurate and up-to-date. Double-check spelling and numbers to avoid errors.
  2. Employment and Income: Be honest about your income. Overstating your earnings could lead to complications later. If your income varies (e.g., freelance work), provide an average or explain the variability.
  3. Rental History: Provide complete and truthful information. If there were any issues in past rentals (e.g., late payments, disputes), be prepared to explain them if asked.
  4. References: Choose references who know you well and can speak to your character and reliability. Let them know they may be contacted.
  5. Credit and Background Checks: Ensure you understand what you’re authorizing and what the landlord will check. If you have any concerns about your credit or background, consider addressing them upfront in a cover letter.

Step 4: Pay the Application Fee

Most rental applications require a non-refundable fee to cover the cost of processing, including credit and background checks. Make sure you’re aware of the fee amount and have the payment method ready.

Payment Methods:

  • Online Payment: Many property management companies, including Missoula Property Management, offer the convenience of paying your application fee online through a secure portal.
  • Check or Money Order: Some landlords may still accept traditional payment methods. Ensure you have the correct payee information.

Step 5: Submit the Application

After filling out the application and paying the fee, it’s time to submit. Ensure all required fields are filled, documents are attached, and signatures are provided where needed.

Submission Methods:

  • Online Submission: Many property management companies, including Missoula Property Management, allow you to submit your application online. This is often the fastest and most efficient method.
  • In-Person Submission: If you prefer, you can drop off your application at the property management office. This can also give you a chance to ask any last-minute questions.
  • Mail Submission: If mailing your application, ensure it’s sent to the correct address and consider using a trackable method to confirm receipt.

Step 6: Follow Up

After submitting your application, follow up with the property management company or landlord to confirm receipt and inquire about the timeline for processing. It’s polite to wait a few days before following up, as processing can take some time.

What to Expect:

  • Processing Time: Applications can take anywhere from a few days to a week to process, depending on the property management company and the thoroughness of the background checks.
  • Next Steps: If your application is approved, you’ll be contacted to sign the lease and discuss move-in arrangements. If additional information is needed, be prepared to provide it promptly.

Step 7: Prepare for Possible Outcomes

While you’re hopeful for an approval, it’s important to prepare for all possible outcomes.

If Approved:

  • Celebrate: You’ve secured your rental! Follow the instructions provided by the property management company to sign your lease and arrange for move-in.
  • Review the Lease: Before signing, carefully review the lease terms. If anything is unclear, don’t hesitate to ask for clarification.

If Denied:

  • Don’t Be Discouraged: There are many reasons an application might be denied, and not all are within your control. Ask for feedback if possible, so you can address any issues in future applications.
  • Consider Alternatives: If the denial was due to credit or income issues, consider finding a co-signer or looking for properties with more flexible requirements.


Filling out a rental application in Missoula doesn’t have to be a stressful experience. By following these steps and ensuring you have all the necessary documentation, you can present yourself as a strong candidate for your desired rental home. At Missoula Property Management, we’re here to support you throughout the application process. If you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us. Good luck with your application, and welcome to the Missoula community!