How to Handle Noise Complaints in Your Missoula Apartment Building

Living in an apartment building in Missoula comes with many benefits, such as community living, shared amenities, and often a more convenient location. However, it can also come with challenges, one of the most common being noise complaints. Whether you’re dealing with noisy neighbors or you’ve been on the receiving end of a noise complaint, it’s important to know how to handle these situations calmly and effectively. Here’s a guide to managing noise complaints in your Missoula apartment building.

1. Understand the Noise Policy

Before taking any action, familiarize yourself with the noise policy set by your property management company. Missoula Property Management, like many others, has specific guidelines regarding acceptable noise levels, quiet hours, and how to address noise complaints.

Quiet Hours

Most apartment complexes have designated quiet hours, typically during the late evening and early morning. These hours are meant to ensure that all residents can enjoy a peaceful environment during times when people are usually sleeping or relaxing. Understanding and respecting these quiet hours can prevent many noise-related issues from arising.

Noise Limits

In addition to quiet hours, there may be specific limits on noise levels, particularly for activities like playing music, hosting parties, or using loud equipment. Being aware of these limits can help you avoid inadvertently disturbing your neighbors.

2. Talk to Your Neighbor

If you’re experiencing noise from a neighboring apartment, the first step is to address the issue directly with your neighbor. In many cases, they may not be aware that their noise is causing a disturbance.

Approach Calmly and Politely

When approaching your neighbor, do so in a calm and polite manner. Avoid accusing them or expressing frustration right away, as this can lead to defensiveness and escalate the situation. Instead, let them know that the noise is affecting you and ask if they could lower the volume or adjust their activity.

Suggest Solutions

If the noise is coming from specific activities like playing music or exercising, you might suggest solutions such as using headphones, moving the activity to a different room, or scheduling it during less disruptive times.


After your initial conversation, follow up if necessary. If the noise persists, it may be helpful to check in with your neighbor again to remind them of your previous discussion. Sometimes, a gentle reminder is all that’s needed.

3. Document the Noise Issue

If the noise problem continues despite your efforts to resolve it directly with your neighbor, it’s important to start documenting the issue. This documentation can be helpful if you need to escalate the complaint to your property management company.

Keep a Log

Start a noise log where you record the dates, times, and nature of the noise. Note how long the noise lasted and whether it occurred during quiet hours. This log will provide concrete evidence of the problem and show that it’s a recurring issue.

Record the Noise

If possible, consider recording the noise with your phone or another device. Audio or video recordings can provide additional proof of the disturbance, especially if the noise is particularly loud or persistent.

Note Any Impacts

Document any impacts the noise is having on your daily life, such as difficulty sleeping, concentrating, or working from home. This can help convey the severity of the issue to your property management company.

4. Contact Missoula Property Management

If your neighbor fails to address the noise problem after you’ve spoken with them, or if you feel uncomfortable approaching them, it’s time to contact Missoula Property Management for assistance.

Submit a Formal Complaint

Provide your property management company with a detailed account of the noise issue. Include your noise log, any recordings, and descriptions of how the noise is affecting you. Be clear and concise in your communication, and request that they take action to resolve the problem.

Follow the Complaint Process

Missoula Property Management likely has a formal process for handling noise complaints. They may investigate the issue by speaking with your neighbor, conducting noise inspections, or asking for input from other residents. Be patient and cooperative as they work to address the problem.

Know Your Rights

As a tenant, you have the right to live in a peaceful environment. If the noise issue is not resolved despite following the proper procedures, you may need to explore further options, such as mediation or, in extreme cases, legal action. However, most issues can be resolved through property management intervention.

5. Preventing Noise Issues

Whether you’re the one making the noise or trying to avoid conflicts with neighbors, there are several steps you can take to prevent noise issues from arising in the first place.

Be Mindful of Your Noise

If you enjoy activities that can be loud, such as playing music, watching movies, or exercising, try to be mindful of your noise levels. Use headphones, place soundproofing materials like rugs or curtains, and keep the volume low, especially during quiet hours.

Consider Your Neighbors

Remember that noise can travel easily through walls, floors, and ceilings in apartment buildings. Be considerate of your neighbors’ schedules and adjust your activities accordingly. If you’re planning a gathering, let your neighbors know in advance, and consider inviting them to join if appropriate.

Soundproofing Your Apartment

Investing in some simple soundproofing measures can help minimize noise from your apartment. Area rugs, curtains, and furniture placement can all help absorb sound. You can also use draft stoppers under doors to reduce noise leakage.

6. Dealing with Persistent Noise Issues

If you’ve followed all the steps above and the noise issue still persists, there are a few additional actions you can take.

Request Mediation

Mediation services can help resolve disputes between neighbors in a neutral and constructive manner. This service can be particularly useful if the noise issue is ongoing and both parties are willing to find a solution.

Consider Relocation

In extreme cases where the noise problem cannot be resolved, you might consider requesting to transfer to a different unit within the building or looking for another rental property managed by Missoula Property Management. This is usually a last resort, but it may be necessary for your peace of mind.

Know When to Involve Authorities

If the noise is excessively loud, occurs at all hours, or involves illegal activities, it may be appropriate to involve local authorities. This should only be done if other avenues have been exhausted, as it can escalate the situation significantly.


Noise complaints are a common part of apartment living, but they don’t have to be a source of ongoing stress. By understanding the noise policy, communicating effectively with your neighbors, documenting the issue, and working with Missoula Property Management, you can resolve noise problems and enjoy a peaceful living environment. Remember, everyone in the building shares the responsibility of creating a community where all residents can feel comfortable and at ease.