Understanding Your Responsibilities for Maintenance in a Missoula Rental

Renting a property in Missoula, Montana, comes with many benefits, including having a professional property management company like Missoula Property Management handle significant repairs and maintenance. However, as a tenant, you also have specific responsibilities for maintaining the property during your lease. Understanding these responsibilities can help you keep your rental in excellent condition, avoid disputes, and ensure a pleasant living experience. In this blog, we’ll outline what is typically expected from tenants regarding maintenance and how you can meet these expectations effectively.

The Basics of Tenant Maintenance Responsibilities

When you move into a rental property, it’s essential to recognize that while the landlord or property management company is responsible for maintaining the overall condition of the property, you are expected to take care of the daily upkeep. This maintenance includes routine tasks that keep the property in good shape and prevent potential problems.

1. Keep the Property Clean and Sanitary

Why It Matters:
Maintaining cleanliness in your rental unit is crucial not only for your comfort and health but also for preventing damage to the property. Accumulated dirt, dust, and clutter can lead to issues like pest infestations, mold growth, and unnecessary wear and tear.

What You Should Do:

  • Regularly clean all areas of your rental, including the kitchen, bathroom, living spaces, and outdoor areas (if applicable).
  • Dispose of garbage properly and on time to avoid attracting pests.
  • Avoid letting moisture accumulate in areas like the bathroom to prevent mold.

2. Prevent and Address Minor Issues Promptly

Why It Matters:
Minor issues, if left unaddressed, can quickly escalate into more significant problems that require costly repairs. By handling these issues promptly, you help protect the property and maintain its value.

What You Should Do:

  • Fix small problems like leaky faucets, clogged drains, or a running toilet as soon as you notice them. Often, these are simple fixes that don’t require professional help.
  • If you’re unsure how to address an issue or if it seems beyond your ability, report it to Missoula Property Management as soon as possible.

3. Proper Use of Appliances and Fixtures

Why It Matters:
Proper use of the appliances and fixtures provided in your rental helps ensure they function correctly and last longer. Misuse can lead to breakdowns, safety hazards, and additional costs for repairs.

What You Should Do:

  • Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for using appliances such as the stove, dishwasher, washing machine, and heating/cooling systems.
  • Avoid overloading electrical outlets, which can cause shorts or fire hazards.
  • Report any malfunctioning appliances or fixtures to Missoula Property Management immediately for repair or replacement.

4. Yard and Outdoor Area Maintenance

Why It Matters:
If your rental property includes a yard or outdoor space, keeping it well-maintained is part of your responsibility. A tidy yard enhances the property’s appearance and helps prevent issues like pest infestations.

What You Should Do:

  • Regularly mow the lawn, trim hedges, and weed flower beds.
  • Keep walkways and driveways clear of debris, snow, or ice (if applicable).
  • Ensure that outdoor garbage bins are secure and that trash is disposed of properly.

5. Addressing Pest Control

Why It Matters:
While landlords are generally responsible for dealing with significant pest infestations, tenants are expected to take preventative measures to avoid attracting pests in the first place. Keeping pests out protects your living space and helps you avoid the inconvenience of an infestation.

What You Should Do:

  • Keep your rental unit clean and free of food crumbs, which can attract pests.
  • Seal any cracks or openings where pests might enter.
  • If you notice signs of a pest problem, such as droppings or nests, report it to Missoula Property Management promptly.

Understanding What the Landlord or Property Manager Handles

While tenants have a variety of maintenance responsibilities, it’s equally important to know what falls under the landlord or property manager’s duties. Generally, Missoula Property Management is responsible for the following:

1. Major Repairs and Structural Maintenance

Missoula Property Management is responsible for maintaining the structural integrity of the building, including the roof, walls, foundation, and plumbing systems. If you notice any significant issues, such as a leaky roof, a burst pipe, or problems with the electrical wiring, you should report them immediately for professional repair.

2. Heating and Cooling Systems

The property management company is responsible for ensuring that the heating and cooling systems are in good working order. This includes regular servicing of HVAC units and addressing any issues that arise with these systems. If your heating or cooling system is not functioning correctly, contact Missoula Property Management for assistance.

3. Compliance with Health and Safety Standards

Missoula Property Management must ensure that the rental property complies with local health and safety regulations. This includes maintaining functional smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, ensuring proper ventilation, and addressing any hazardous conditions.

How to Work with Missoula Property Management

Effective communication with your property management company is key to maintaining a well-kept rental property. Here are some tips for working with Missoula Property Management:

1. Report Issues Promptly

If you notice any maintenance issues that require attention, report them to Missoula Property Management as soon as possible. Use the tenant portal for non-emergency requests, and call immediately in the case of urgent matters, such as water leaks or electrical problems.

2. Follow Lease Agreement Guidelines

Your lease agreement outlines your responsibilities as a tenant, including what is expected of you in terms of maintenance. Make sure you are familiar with these terms and follow them closely.

3. Schedule Regular Maintenance

For tasks that require professional attention, such as servicing the HVAC system or pest control, work with Missoula Property Management to schedule regular maintenance. This proactive approach helps prevent issues before they arise.

4. Keep Open Lines of Communication

Maintain open and respectful communication with Missoula Property Management. If you have questions or concerns about your maintenance responsibilities, don’t hesitate to reach out for clarification or assistance.


Understanding your maintenance responsibilities as a renter in Missoula is crucial for ensuring a smooth and enjoyable living experience. By keeping your rental property clean, addressing minor issues promptly, and working closely with Missoula Property Management, you can help maintain the property’s condition and avoid potential disputes. Remember, proactive maintenance is not only beneficial for the property but also for your comfort and peace of mind during your tenancy.