The Best Ways to Save on Utilities in Your Missoula Apartment

Living in Missoula offers a beautiful blend of natural scenery, a vibrant community, and a comfortable lifestyle. However, as with any rental, keeping utility costs down can be a challenge, especially during Montana’s colder months. Fortunately, there are several strategies you can employ to make your apartment more energy-efficient and save money on your utility bills. In this guide, we’ll explore the best ways to reduce energy consumption, water usage, and overall costs while still enjoying a cozy, comfortable home.

1. Be Mindful of Heating and Cooling

One of the most significant contributors to high utility bills in Missoula apartments is heating, particularly during the long, cold winters. Here’s how you can reduce those costs without sacrificing comfort:

Adjust Your Thermostat

Invest in a programmable thermostat if your apartment doesn’t already have one. By setting it to lower temperatures when you’re not home or while you’re sleeping, you can save a substantial amount on your heating bill. Even lowering your thermostat by a few degrees can make a big difference.

  • Recommended Settings:
    • When you’re home and awake, aim for 68°F.
    • Lower the temperature to 60°F to 62°F at night or when you’re away.

Use Space Heaters Wisely

If you spend most of your time in one room, consider using a space heater instead of heating the entire apartment. However, be cautious not to overuse it, as space heaters can be less efficient if left on for long periods.

Seal Windows and Doors

Drafty windows and doors can let cold air in and warm air out, causing your heating system to work harder. Use weather stripping, door sweeps, and window film to seal gaps and prevent drafts. These inexpensive fixes can keep your apartment warmer and reduce your heating costs.

2. Be Smart About Water Usage

Water usage is another area where costs can add up quickly. Here are some tips to reduce your water bill:

Fix Leaks Promptly

A leaky faucet or running toilet can waste a significant amount of water over time. If you notice a leak, report it to Missoula Property Management immediately so it can be repaired quickly. Not only will this save water, but it will also prevent potential damage to your apartment.

Install Low-Flow Fixtures

If your apartment doesn’t already have low-flow showerheads and faucets, consider asking your landlord if you can install them. These fixtures use less water without sacrificing pressure, helping you reduce water usage and save on your bill.

Shorten Showers

While a long, hot shower can be tempting during the winter months, it also uses a lot of water and energy. Try to limit your showers to five minutes or less. You can even install a shower timer to help you stay on track.

Run Full Loads

When using the dishwasher or washing machine, make sure to run full loads. These appliances use the same amount of water and energy regardless of how full they are, so it’s more efficient to maximize their capacity.

3. Use Energy-Efficient Lighting

Lighting is an area where small changes can lead to significant savings. Here’s how to make your apartment’s lighting more energy-efficient:

Switch to LED Bulbs

LED bulbs use up to 80% less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and last much longer. While they may cost more upfront, the savings on your electric bill will quickly make up for the initial expense. Replace the most frequently used bulbs in your apartment with LEDs for maximum impact.

Utilize Natural Light

Missoula enjoys plenty of sunshine, even in the winter months. Take advantage of natural light by opening blinds and curtains during the day. This reduces the need for artificial lighting and can also help warm your apartment naturally.

Turn Off Lights When Not in Use

It sounds simple, but turning off lights when you leave a room can add up to substantial savings over time. Consider using timers or smart plugs to automate this process if you often forget.

4. Manage Appliance Usage

Appliances, both large and small, can consume a significant amount of electricity. Here are some ways to reduce their impact on your utility bill:

Unplug Electronics When Not in Use

Even when turned off, many electronics continue to draw power if they’re plugged in. Unplugging devices like chargers, coffee makers, and entertainment systems when they’re not in use can help reduce “phantom” energy consumption. Alternatively, use a power strip to easily turn off multiple devices at once.

Use Energy-Efficient Appliances

If you have the option, choose energy-efficient appliances. Look for the ENERGY STAR label, which indicates that the appliance meets or exceeds energy efficiency standards set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Cook Wisely

When using the oven, try to cook multiple dishes at once to maximize energy use. Additionally, consider using smaller appliances like microwaves or toaster ovens for smaller meals, as they consume less energy than a full-sized oven.

5. Reduce Laundry Costs

Laundry is another common area where you can save on utilities. Here’s how:

Wash Clothes in Cold Water

Most of the energy used by washing machines goes toward heating the water. By washing your clothes in cold water, you can significantly reduce your energy usage. Modern detergents are formulated to clean just as effectively in cold water, so your clothes will still come out fresh and clean.

Air Dry When Possible

If you have the space, air-dry your clothes instead of using the dryer. Not only does this save energy, but it also helps prolong the life of your clothes. If you must use the dryer, make sure to clean the lint filter regularly to improve efficiency.

Run Full Loads

As with your dishwasher, always run full loads in the washing machine and dryer to get the most out of the energy they use.

6. Be Aware of Your Usage Habits

Finally, being mindful of your overall utility usage can help you identify areas where you can cut back. Consider these general tips:

Track Your Utility Usage

Some utility providers offer online tools that allow you to track your energy and water usage. By monitoring your usage patterns, you can identify spikes and take steps to reduce consumption during those times.

Set Goals for Reducing Consumption

Challenge yourself to reduce your utility usage by a certain percentage each month. Small changes in behavior, like turning off lights, unplugging devices, and taking shorter showers, can add up to significant savings over time.

Involve Roommates

If you share your apartment with roommates, make sure everyone is on the same page when it comes to conserving energy and water. Work together to implement these tips and share the savings.


Saving on utilities in your Missoula apartment doesn’t have to mean sacrificing comfort or convenience. By being mindful of your energy and water usage, making small changes to your daily habits, and investing in energy-efficient solutions, you can reduce your utility bills while still enjoying a comfortable living environment. Not only will these efforts help you save money, but they’ll also contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle—benefiting both your wallet and the planet. At Missoula Property Management, we encourage our tenants to adopt these practices to make their rental experience both affordable and environmentally friendly.